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Tracy Mourning and Honey Shine Inc Partner with MC Lyte and Hip Hop Sisters Foundation

honeyshine la

In 2014, Honey Shine decided that Empowering Girls to Shine as Women, is a cause worth taking beyond the boarders of South Florida. The 2014-2015 program year was internally dubbed “The Year of Expansion,” and unless you’re new to this mailing list–you can see that we’ve done just that! With awareness activities in DC, New York and Los Angeles, Honey Shine is growing wings and taking flight!

It was a welcomed labor of love to increase the number of girls we service from approximately 150 to over 240 year round. And now, Mentors can share in the service of female empowerment in another “Sunshine State”–California!
Thanks to the dedication of resources, time and talent from MC Lyte and the Hip Hop Sisters Foundation (http://hiphopsisters.org), we are now bi-coastal! The sponsorship of our Los Angeles programming has allowed us to move Honey Shine into a new era, and reach girls on larger scale.

We have increased our programming from the Saturday “Aspire to Shine” Workshops and Camp Honey Shine, to include the After School Program in 4 Miami-Dade County Public Schools and 2 Los Angeles Elementary Schools!